Forward Warrior 2015 and Outerspace Project

When I first heard that Forward Warrior 2015 was going to be in Cabbagetown again I originally thought it was going to be the wall on the opposite of Krog Street. When I found out that it was going to be the same wall I was a little worried that they were just going to cover up many of last years pieces. My understanding was Cabbagetown wanted more of the wall covered and that Forward Warrior basically asked each artist if they would prefer their piece be incorporated into the new murals, worked around or just covered up. One of the biggest disappointments from last year’s forward warrior compared to when it was in Castleberry Hill was the lack of collaboration. It seemed like each artist had their spot and very few artists worked together. This year that was changed. There were large collaborations and more of the wall was filled. Unfortunately we lost some cool pieces from Forward Warrior 2014, but such is the nature of the game. I won’t be posting all of the pieces until I write about the artists individually but I will show some of the pieces at the end of this post from artists who I’ve already posted about.

In addition Forward Warrior this year was the official kickoff event for a new mural conference in Atlanta called The Outerspace Project put on by Greg Mike’s ABV Gallery. Outerspace Project brought in 8 artists from around and had 8 local artists all paint walls and trailers around the city. In addition to the 16ish new murals, they showed Nychos documentary “The Deepest Depths of the Burrow”, had artists talks with SharkToof, Greg Mike, and Ricky Watts, and the Big Bang Block Party. On the downside some of the walls were rushed – artists had 5 or less days to paint, paint was sparse, and the block party had a $25 cover, but every conference has to begin somewhere and I’m sure next year they’ll have artists in town for longer. I’ll be posting about the Outerspace Walls before I get to the Forward Warrior ones, but for now here are some from artists I’ve already posted about.

Tanner Wilson collaborated with Peter Ferrari, Jonny Warren and Sanithna.20150620_13213520150620_13285020150620_18234720150622_181920


Brandon Sadler20150620_13212320150620_18352320150622_181837

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